What Is Am Exercise Physiologist

A few years ago, explaining what an Exercise Physiologist is could have been a full-time job. Gratefully, increased people are now learning what an Exercise Physiologist is, and how their roles fit into the healthcare system. Exercise Physiology is a relatively new profession in comparison to other allied health fields, such as Physiotherapy, however it [...]

2024-03-18T10:25:29+10:00August 6, 2021|General Exercise Physiology|

Hydrotherapy: What Are the Benefits in Getting an Exercise Physiologist’s Help?

Hydrotherapy is exercise therapy completed in a heated pool of temperatures between 30-35o Celsius. There are multiple benefits to hydrotherapy, and it can assist a variety of people with different health conditions. Hydrotherapy is a gentle, low-impact form of exercise used to improve movement, strength, flexibility, balance and stability of joints. The heated water assists [...]

2024-02-22T10:22:58+10:00June 5, 2019|General Exercise Physiology, Rehabilitation|

Have You Just Been Diagnosed With Diabetes?

Have You Just Been Diagnosed With Diabetes? Often a diagnosis of diabetes can be a scary thought which can cause you to be constantly thinking about what am I eating, how much do I weigh, I need to exercise more, I can’t eat cake, I can’t eat fruit, I shouldn’t do this, or I [...]

2024-02-22T10:25:30+10:00June 3, 2019|Diabetes|

Do you have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia?

Do you have Osteoporosis or Osteopenia?Do you want to improve your health?Osteoporosis is a chronic health condition where your bone mass reduces over time. It can be improved by increasing your exercise especially bone loading exercises and ensuring your nutritional goals are being met.Increasing your bone density is a process and it is done gradually. [...]

2024-02-22T10:27:37+10:00January 12, 2018|Latest News, Osteoporosis|

Finding the time to exercise

Finding the time to exerciseExercise can be an overwhelming word which can make the best of us stop talking. People can get the idea in their head that all exercise is flogging yourself to the point of exhaustion. For some people that is what they enjoy and that is great. However, for the average Aussie [...]

2024-02-22T10:29:30+10:00September 21, 2016|Front Page News, General Exercise Physiology, Health|

Looking holistically at your health

Looking holistically at your healthLooking holistically at your healthThere are 7 dimensions of wellness for your health.Emotional – understand ourselves and cope with life’s challengesPhysical – ability to maintain a good quality of life and have the energy to complete tasksSocial – our ability to relate and connect with the people around usSpiritual – our ability to have peace [...]

2024-02-22T10:31:01+10:00September 21, 2016|General, General Exercise Physiology, Health|
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