Coordinated Fitness Living through movement Helping you build the right exercise program for you.

We want to assist you to feel well and move better throughout your day.

Accredited Exercise Physiologists

We can assist you in managing your health

Group Supervised Sessions

Build your health through our tailored group sessions

Specialised Health Programs

Our programs can help you reach your health goals

One on One

Your health plan tailored to your health goals

Coordinated Fitness, Exercise Physiology in Brisbane

As an Exercise Physiology clinic in Brisbane, we are building a community at Coordinated Fitness. Where people come to exercise because they feel comfortable, they enjoy the environment, have a chat, and know they are supported. WE work with you to build your health whilst enjoying your sessions.

Our Exercise Physiology clinic is located in Greenslopes, Brisbane.

Conditions Our Exercise Physiologist’s Assist:


At Coordinated Fitness we offer many exercise physiology therapies for neurological conditions.

Women’s Health

At our Greenslopes clinic our Exercise Physiologists can assist women build the right program for them.

Chronic Pain

As Exercise Physiologists, we work with patients experiencing many musculoskeletal conditions.


Strength exercise is beneficial in assisting bone growth and maintaining bone mineral density.


Exercise assists patients living with Diabetes to manage and improve their blood sugar levels and all health markers.

Cardiovascular & Stroke

Cardiovascular Disease or heart disease is a term used for a range of conditions that can affect your heart.

To book an appointment with on our Coordinated Fitness Exercise Physiology either call us on 1300 25 44 17, email or book your initial appointment online. Our clinic is located in Greenslopes at 2/601 Logan Rd Greenslopes Q 4120

What is an Accredited
Exercise Physiologist?

An Accredited Exercise Physiologists specialise in clinical exercise interventions for people with a broad range of health issues. We assist people may be at risk of developing or have a medical condition.

As Exercise Physiologists we provide interventions through exercise to prevent or manage health conditions. We also work to prevent or manage acute, sub- acute or chronic injuries.

To make an enquiry, please call us on:

1300 25 44 17

1300 25 44 17